In response to the letter of the Presidium of the EMS and the rising violence in the Middle East and the growing threat to Lebanon the Gereja Masehi Injili di Halmahera (GMIH) shares a prayer for peace with all of us. „“ weiterlesen
Praying for Peace in the Middle East and Lebanon
The situation in Lebanon is becoming increasingly tense. These days, I am thinking in particular of the people in Beirut and the Bekaa Valley, with whom I have been on friendly and fraternal terms through many visits there. „Praying for Peace in the Middle East and Lebanon“ weiterlesen
Peaceful Christmas and a Blessed New Year 2024
“In so many ways we, and our whole world, are living through a time of darkness, when mounting challenges threaten to diminish our hope, to overwhelm our will to meet the evident needs and palpable pains of our day, and even to sap our dedication to truth and justice.
Yet, as disciples of Jesus and as Christian communities united in Christ’s love, we are called to stand up to fear, counter falsehood, challenge selfishness and greed, and offer hope to the whole world.
We cannot acquiesce in disappointment nor succumb to despair. The world needs more from us— more courage, more creativity, more inspiration, and dedication. More self-giving love.“ „Peaceful Christmas and a Blessed New Year 2024“ weiterlesen
Ein Aufruf zu gemeinsamen Handeln – A Call to Act Together
Wir haben zusammen gesungen, gebetet, in verschiedenen liturgischen und spirituellen Traditionen gefeiert. Wir haben Freunde getroffen und neue Kontakte geknüpft. Wir haben diskutiert und auch gestritten. Bereichert und angeregt von der bunten Vielfalt unseres christlichen Glaubens und den herausfordernden Worten der 11. Vollversammlung des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen sind die Delegierten, Berater und Gäste nun wieder auf den Weg nach Hause. „Ein Aufruf zu gemeinsamen Handeln – A Call to Act Together“ weiterlesen
A Call to Act Together
We sang together, prayed, celebrated in different liturgical and spiritual traditions. We have met friends and made new contacts. We have discussed and argued. Enriched and stimulated by the colorful diversity of our Christian faith and the challenging words of the 11th Assembly of the World Council of Churches, the delegates, advisors, and guests are now on their way home again. „A Call to Act Together“ weiterlesen
A place of rememberance
As if time had stood still – images of Arafat from his younger years, the presence of the Nakba in the narratives (in Arabic, the fleeing and expulsion of some 700,000 Arab Palestinians between 1947 and 1949 from the former British Mandate territory of Palestine), … „A place of rememberance“ weiterlesen
Deep concern over the government of Israel’s plan to annex parts of West Bank
Church leaders from across the world including Bishop Heinrich Bedford-Strohm are expressing their grave concern over the government of Israel’s plan to annex parts of the occupied West Bank.
Bishop Heinrich Bedford-Strohm – Chair of the Council of the Evangelikal Church in Germany – said:
„Deep concern over the government of Israel’s plan to annex parts of West Bank“ weiterlesen
UCC on Trumps Middle East policy
Die United Church of Christ (UCC) hat in einer öffentlichen Stellungnahme den aktuellen Friedensplan des amerikanischen Präsidenten Trump für Israel und Palästina scharf kritisiert.
In a public statement, the United Church of Christ (UCC) has sharply criticized the current peace plan of the American President Trump for Israel and Palestine.
Ein Abend mit Ian Anderson …
Nach 4 Tagen Kirchensynode mit langen Sitzungen, intensiven Debatten über die Zukunft der Kirche und erwarteter Einnahmeeinbrüche im Haushalt bis 2030, mit Zeichen der Solidarität für Geflüchtete und friedensethischen Impulsen und der Demo Friday’s for Future … „Ein Abend mit Ian Anderson …“ weiterlesen
Bethlehem –
Den zweiten Tag verbringen wir in Bethlehem, besuchen die Geburtskirche und die Schule Talitha Kumi, hören über die schwierige Situation palästinensischer Christen und bekommen eine Einführung in palästinensische Befreiungstheologie im Internationalen Begegnungszentrum Diyar in Bethlehem. „Bethlehem –“ weiterlesen