After two days of lectures and discussions we concluded our International Conference on Saturday. „Solidarity and Accompaniment“ weiterlesen
Back on the Way of St. James
For several years now, we have been walking sections of the Way of St. James from Speyer to Le Puy en Valey. This year, the route took us 120 km through Bourgogne. „Back on the Way of St. James“ weiterlesen
Woven Together – Ties That Bind
After our EKD / UCC consultation in Washington D. C. and signing the common commitment to Church Fellowship (“Kirchengemeinschaft”) I drove with Martha Koenigs Stone – head of the ecumenical commission of the UCC New York Conference (UCCNY) and a UCC representative at the EKD/UCC Forum – and Randy Stone to the annual meeting of the UCCNY Conference in Binghamton. „Woven Together – Ties That Bind“ weiterlesen
Advocating for the Vision of a Just World
On Monday I arrived in Washington D. C. for a consultation of the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD) and the United Church of Christ (UCC) on different topics and on the future of our Church Fellowship (Kirchengemeinschaft). „Advocating for the Vision of a Just World“ weiterlesen
Blessed Pentecost 2024
„In a world in which life in its human and ecological dimensions is threatened, we need the Spirit of life to protect the sacredness, wholeness, and integrity of the God-given life. … „Blessed Pentecost 2024“ weiterlesen
Golden Temple – a place of spirituality and meditation
When I’m in Amritsar I will always visit the Golden Temple. It is the center of Sikhism and one of their holiest sites. „Golden Temple – a place of spirituality and meditation“ weiterlesen
Good for Body and Soul
Yesterday our last of 6 pilgrimage days ended and we are again a bit further on the Way of St. James from Speyer (Germany) to Le Puy (France). „Good for Body and Soul“ weiterlesen
“Seek Peace and Pursue It.” (Psalm 34:14)
The National Council of Churches Korea is sharing with the churches of the World the prayer and worship resources for the 8.15 Sunday Prayer Worship for Peace and Reunification on the Korean Peninsula. „“Seek Peace and Pursue It.” (Psalm 34:14)“ weiterlesen
There should be no more wars on the Korean Peninsula
„In a time of renewed escalation of tensions and confrontation on the Korean Peninsula, we recall that this year marks the 70th anniversary of the 1953 Armistice Agreement which established a ceasefire, but not a formal end, to the Korean War.“ (Central Committee of the World Council of Churches, June 2023) „There should be no more wars on the Korean Peninsula“ weiterlesen
Gwangju – home of democracy and human rights
Following the consultation of NCCK and EKD, we are visiting our partner church – the Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea (PROK) – in Gwangju for a few days. „Gwangju – home of democracy and human rights“ weiterlesen