Mein Bild für Januar | My Picture for January
Ein letzter Rückblick auf 2024 | A last View back on 2024
Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year
In these days of Christmas, we are reminded that God becomes human. „Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year“ weiterlesen
Mein Bild für Dezember | My Picture for December
Mein Bild für November | My Picture for November
Mein Bild für Oktober | My Picture for October
Solidarity and Accompaniment
After two days of lectures and discussions we concluded our International Conference on Saturday. „Solidarity and Accompaniment“ weiterlesen
Thanksgiving and Reunification
The National Council of Churches in Korea (NCCK), which began as the ‚Chosun Christian United Assembly‘ on September 24, 1924, celebrated today its 100th anniversary. „Thanksgiving and Reunification“ weiterlesen
100th Anniversary of the National Council of Churches in Korea
In Seoul we are meeting as an International Conference on the occasion of the 100th Anniversary of the National Council of Churches in Korea (NCCK). „100th Anniversary of the National Council of Churches in Korea“ weiterlesen