In these days of Christmas, we are reminded that God becomes human. „Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year“ weiterlesen
Solidarity and Accompaniment
After two days of lectures and discussions we concluded our International Conference on Saturday. „Solidarity and Accompaniment“ weiterlesen
Thanksgiving and Reunification
The National Council of Churches in Korea (NCCK), which began as the ‚Chosun Christian United Assembly‘ on September 24, 1924, celebrated today its 100th anniversary. „Thanksgiving and Reunification“ weiterlesen
100th Anniversary of the National Council of Churches in Korea
In Seoul we are meeting as an International Conference on the occasion of the 100th Anniversary of the National Council of Churches in Korea (NCCK). „100th Anniversary of the National Council of Churches in Korea“ weiterlesen
Back on the Way of St. James
For several years now, we have been walking sections of the Way of St. James from Speyer to Le Puy en Valey. This year, the route took us 120 km through Bourgogne. „Back on the Way of St. James“ weiterlesen
In response to the letter of the Presidium of the EMS and the rising violence in the Middle East and the growing threat to Lebanon the Gereja Masehi Injili di Halmahera (GMIH) shares a prayer for peace with all of us. „“ weiterlesen
Praying for Peace in the Middle East and Lebanon
The situation in Lebanon is becoming increasingly tense. These days, I am thinking in particular of the people in Beirut and the Bekaa Valley, with whom I have been on friendly and fraternal terms through many visits there. „Praying for Peace in the Middle East and Lebanon“ weiterlesen
After the Disaster – A Sign of Hope
On September 28, 2018, a 7.5-magnitude earthquake and the resulting tsunami devastated the region. Over four thousand people fell victim to the double natural disaster. The city of Palu and its surroundings were also severely affected. „After the Disaster – A Sign of Hope“ weiterlesen
Christianity and Culture
Today we drive over the Gunung Kebun Kopi mountain range to the east coast and visit communities that have been created by government resettlement programs, among other things. „Christianity and Culture“ weiterlesen
A Sign of Solidarity
Today we drive about 120 km north along the east coast to Malawa. It is a region that was hit hard by a severe earthquake of magnitude 7.5 and the subsequent tsunami on September 28, 2018. „A Sign of Solidarity“ weiterlesen