Woven Together – Ties That Bind

After our EKD / UCC consultation in Washington D. C. and signing the common commitment to Church Fellowship (“Kirchengemeinschaft”) I drove with Martha Koenigs Stone – head of the ecumenical commission of the UCC New York Conference (UCCNY) and a UCC representative at the EKD/UCC Forum – and Randy Stone to the annual meeting of the UCCNY Conference in Binghamton. „Woven Together – Ties That Bind“ weiterlesen

Loving Life and seeking Peace

Weltweit feiern wir Christinnen und Christen in diesen Tagen die Auferstehung Jesu Christi von den Toten. Die Botschaft von Karfreitag zu Ostern – vom Tod zur Auferstehung – schenkt uns Zuversicht, die mit unserem Glauben verbunden ist.

All over the world, we Christians are celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead these days. The message from Good Friday to Easter – from death to resurrection – gives us the confidence that comes with our faith. „Loving Life and seeking Peace“ weiterlesen