„In a world in which life in its human and ecological dimensions is threatened, we need the Spirit of life to protect the sacredness, wholeness, and integrity of the God-given life. …
… In a world torn apart by intolerance and polarization, we need the intervention of the Holy Spirit to tear down the „dividing walls“ (Eph. 2:14), and help establish coherence and harmony, among diversities of race religion, and culture.“
With this message from the heads presidents of the World Council of Churches, I greet you in the spirit of Christian love and fellowship on the occasion of the feast of Pentecost. For 25 years the Hesse and Nassau Church (EKHN) is sending out a Newsletter on Pentecost; since three years together with the Kurhesse-Waldck Church (EKKW). This year we are reflecting on the theme „Partnership as Compagnionship“. You can download the pages as pdf-files at the end of this Post.