Yesterday we completed a two days consultation on partnership between German Member Churches of Evangelical Mission in Solidarity (EMS) and the Church of South India (CSI) under the theme “Life affirming mission of God: Towards building living communities”. „On our common way – Partnerships with Dioceses of CSI“ weiterlesen
EKHN Newsletter Pentecost 2021
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ in our EKHN Partner Churches in Afrika, Asia, Europe and the United States,
In the second year of the pandemic I send you greetings from the Protestant Church in Hesse and Nassau (EKHN), and wish you a blessed Pentecost. We are still learning to deal with home office and video conferencing, hygiene rules and the limitation of close contact. We stream events and continue to practice social distancing. We miss meeting you.
Meeting with Asian Partners
For the first time we met in a Video conference with the Asian Partners of EKHN. More than 30 people participated in the meeting: from Seoul over Tomohon, Pematang Siantar, Amritsar, Vijayawada, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Melukavumattom to different places in EKHN. We shared the present situation in our different contexts and prayed together …
Bilanz eines Bischofs
Nach 4 Jahren habe ich Gelegenheit unsere Partnerdiözese Krishna Godavari in Vijayawada am Ende der Dienstzeit von Bischof Dr. Dyvasirvadam für wenige Tage zu besuchen.
Farewell to Bishop Dr. Dyvasirvadam and his wife Ramani
After a long common journey together in our partnership with Krishna Godavari Diocese we gave a farewell to Bishop Dyvasirvadam and his wife Ramani! It’s their last visit to EKHN before retiring in March next year. „Farewell to Bishop Dr. Dyvasirvadam and his wife Ramani“ weiterlesen
Tagungsort ist eine Baustelle
Vielleicht ist es ja ein Zeichen für die Situation der Südindischen Kirche: die 34. Synode findet auf einer Baustelle statt! Seit etwa 8 Jahren baut die St. Pauls Gemeinde in Vijayawada ihre St.Pauls Basilika. Nur mit eigenen Mitteln ohne jegliche Unterstützung von aussen – was immer wieder betont wird.