Meeting with Asian Partners

For the first time we met in a Video conference with the Asian Partners of EKHN. More than 30 people participated in the meeting: from Seoul over Tomohon, Pematang Siantar, Amritsar, Vijayawada, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Melukavumattom to different places in EKHN. We shared the present situation in our different contexts and prayed together …

We may be separated spatially, but we are spiritually united!

Lighting the Candles

Let us open this prayer meeting by lighting a candle/light for each of our partner churches.

I light this candle for the tradition of the Presbyterian Church of the Republic of Korea and for the people of Korea

All: We will stand in that great tradition

I light this candle for the tradition of the Simalungun Protestant Christian Church and for the people of Indonesia

All: We will stand in that great tradition

I light this candle for the tradition of the Evangelical Christian Church in Minahasa and for the people of North Sulawesi

All: We will stand in that great tradition

I light this candle for the Protestant tradition in the Church in Hesse and Nassau and for the people of Germany

All: We will stand in that great tradition

I light this candle for the tradition of the Church of South India and for the people of South India.

All: We will stand in that great tradition

I light this candle for the tradition of the Church of North India and for the people of North India.

All: We will stand in that great tradition

God, we thank You that You have not let us alone in the world.
We come before you, not alone,
But in the company of one another.
Through Your Spirit we are one with You.

We discover that we have much in common,
we have riches to receive, we have gifts to share
and that we need one another.

We share our happiness with each other –
and it becomes greater.
We share our pains and sorrows with each other –
and they become smaller

Your Holy Spirit is drawing us together in love
in these difficult times,
to stand for one another, to encourage one another
and to pray for another.

Abide with us in these times of need and desperation,
show your love and merciful compassion for the whole world
and bless our fellowship and hear our prayers

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