After our EKD / UCC consultation in Washington D. C. and signing the common commitment to Church Fellowship (“Kirchengemeinschaft”) I drove with Martha Koenigs Stone – head of the ecumenical commission of the UCC New York Conference (UCCNY) and a UCC representative at the EKD/UCC Forum – and Randy Stone to the annual meeting of the UCCNY Conference in Binghamton. „Woven Together – Ties That Bind“ weiterlesen
Advocating for the Vision of a Just World
On Monday I arrived in Washington D. C. for a consultation of the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD) and the United Church of Christ (UCC) on different topics and on the future of our Church Fellowship (Kirchengemeinschaft). „Advocating for the Vision of a Just World“ weiterlesen
„Be the Church“
Today the 34th General Synod of the United Church of Christ (UCC) comes to an end. A delegation from the Protestant Church in Hesse and Nassau (EKHN) led by Church President Dr. Volker Jung was invited to attend together with delegates from the New York Conference of the UCC – partner church of EKHN. „„Be the Church““ weiterlesen
Visiting our partners in New York
On the way to the General Synod of the United Church of Christ (UCC) in the USA, I am visiting congregations of the UCC in New York with Church President Volker Jung and Christina Schnepel, Secretary for Development and Partnership Europe and USA. A partnership between the New York Conference of the UCC and the Protestant Church in Hesse and Nassau (EKHN) has existed since 2007. „Visiting our partners in New York“ weiterlesen
EKHN Newsletter Pentecost 2021
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ in our EKHN Partner Churches in Afrika, Asia, Europe and the United States,
In the second year of the pandemic I send you greetings from the Protestant Church in Hesse and Nassau (EKHN), and wish you a blessed Pentecost. We are still learning to deal with home office and video conferencing, hygiene rules and the limitation of close contact. We stream events and continue to practice social distancing. We miss meeting you.
In Solidarity with our Partners in the US
There are disturbing images from the USA at the moment: rampant racism, riots in dozens of cities, a US president posing with the Bible in his hand. In this difficult times our solidarity is with our sisters and brothers in the US struggling against rassism and for human rights in the campaign „Black Lives Matter“. „In Solidarity with our Partners in the US“ weiterlesen
Von | From Manhattan nach | to Mainhattan
Ein toller Film über unsere Partnerschaft zwischen der Evangelischen Kirche in Hessen und Nassau und der New York Conference der United Church of Christ – entstanden in Kooperation mit dem Medienhaus der EKHN unter der Regie von Jörn von Lutzau.
A great film about our partnership between the Protestant Church in Hesse and Nassau and the New York Conference of the United Church of Christ – produced in cooperation with the media house of the EKHN under the direction of Jörn von Lutzau:
Bethlehem –
Den zweiten Tag verbringen wir in Bethlehem, besuchen die Geburtskirche und die Schule Talitha Kumi, hören über die schwierige Situation palästinensischer Christen und bekommen eine Einführung in palästinensische Befreiungstheologie im Internationalen Begegnungszentrum Diyar in Bethlehem. „Bethlehem –“ weiterlesen
In Solidarität mit der United Church of Christ
Synode und Kirchenleitung der Evangelischen Kirche in Hessen und Nassau (EKHN) haben sich heute mit einer Solidaritätsadresse hinter den Einsatz unserer US-amerikanischen Partnerkirche United Church of Christ (UCC) für schärfere Waffengesetzte in den USA gestellt:
Synod and Church Board of EKHN are supporting in a letter of solidarity the commitment of our partners in the United Church of Christ against Gun Violence and the Possession of Firearms in the USA:
„In Solidarität mit der United Church of Christ“ weiterlesen