Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ in our EKHN Partner Churches in Afrika, Asia, Europe and the United States,
In the second year of the pandemic I send you greetings from the Protestant Church in Hesse and Nassau (EKHN), and wish you a blessed Pentecost. We are still learning to deal with home office and video conferencing, hygiene rules and the limitation of close contact. We stream events and continue to practice social distancing. We miss meeting you.
Our thoughts and prayers are with all the people around the world who suffer and mourn, who go beyond their limits and who reach out to others. It is the second time that you will not get a printed version of our Newsletter, but rather a digital pdf file. This is because the Corona pandemic is still severely affecting
our workflows and our finances. We hope to return to a printed version by next year.
In this Newsletter you will find examples of how EKHN is trying to deal with these challenges and to keep contact in times of no partnership visits, of social distancing, of limitations for our worship services and with regard to the meetings of our decision making bodies.
If you are interested in our Newsletter you can download the file at the end of this Blog.