Remembering PIKPA

Together with our partners from LESVOS Solidarity we visited the place of the former Camp PIKPA which was an independent, open refugee camp in Mytilini. It was a community-based space, built on the principles of solidarity, empowerment and active participation. It was closed by the local government in October 2020. The residents of the camp were moved by police forces to the municipal camp of Kara Tepe. „Remembering PIKPA“ weiterlesen

Schrei nach Frieden | Cry for Peace

21 Tage nach dem Einmarsch russischer Truppen in die Ukraine –  fürchterliche Bilder der Zerstörung und des Todes – Menschen auf der Flucht – nur kleine Hoffnungszeichen für Frieden. Große Hilfsbereitschaft in den Nachbarländern und auch bei uns im Rhein-Main-Gebiet. Gestern haben wir gemeinsam mit Menschen aus Partnerkirchen ein Internationales Friedensgebet gefeiert.

21 days after Russian troops invaded Ukraine – terrible images of destruction and death – people fleeing – only small signs of hope for peace. Great willingness to help in neighbouring countries and also here in the Rhine-Main area. Yesterday we celebrated an International Prayer for Peace together with people from partner churches. „Schrei nach Frieden | Cry for Peace“ weiterlesen

#Hanau – Rassismus tötet | Racism kills

Die Kolleginnen und Kollegen im Zentrum Oekumene sind tief getroffen und wir bringen den Angehörigen, Freundinnen und Freunden, Kolleginnen und Kollegen der in dieser rassistisch motivierten Tat in Hanau Ermordeten unsere Anteilnahme zum Ausdruck.

The colleagues in the Ecumenical Centre are deeply affected and we express our sympathy to the relatives, friends and colleagues of those murdered in this racially motivated act in Hanau.
„#Hanau – Rassismus tötet | Racism kills“ weiterlesen

„For God, people of every nation are welcome“

On Saturday 9th of June a workshop on Migration endet in Gwangju | Korea. Delegates from the Presbyterian Church  in Ghana (PCG), the Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea (PROK) and from the Protestant Church in Hesse and Nassau (EKHN) participated in this trilateral workshop of EKHN partner churches. After Accra (2016) and Frankfurt (2017) it was the third trilateral workshop of EKHN Partner Curches on Migration. Their experiences you could follow on the blog The final statement of the workshop you will get if you continue to read. „„For God, people of every nation are welcome““ weiterlesen