TOGETHER – a prayer around the world – today FARSI

We pray it in the evening, when at 7:30 pm in Germany the bells ring and we light a candle, put it in the window, think of the people worldwide who are suffering from this crisis and fear for their existence. We send the prayer out into the world. Today to our english speaking partners asking them to join this action: We may be separated spatially, but we are spiritually united.

Other languages are available under the following link: TOGETHER


TOGETHER – a prayer around the world – today ESTONIAN

We pray it in the evening, when at 7:30 pm in Germany the bells ring and we light a candle, put it in the window, think of the people worldwide who are suffering from this crisis and fear for their existence. We send the prayer out into the world. Today to our english speaking partners asking them to join this action: We may be separated spatially, but we are spiritually united.

More languages are available under the following link: TOGETHER


TOGETHER – a prayer around the world – today CZECH

We pray it in the evening, when at 7:30 pm in Germany the bells ring and we light a candle, put it in the window, think of the people worldwide who are suffering from this crisis and fear for their existence. We send the prayer out into the world. Today to our english speaking partners asking them to join this action: We may be separated spatially, but we are spiritually united.

More languages are available under the following link: TOGETHER

TOGETHER – a prayer around the world – today ARABIC

We pray it in the evening, when at 7:30 pm in Germany the bells ring and we light a candle, put it in the window, think of the people worldwide who are suffering from this crisis and fear for their existence. We send the prayer out into the world. Today to our English speaking partners asking them to join this action: We may be separated spatially, but we are spiritually united.

Other languages are available under the following link: TOGETHER

TOGETHER – a prayer around the world – today ENGLISH

We pray it in the evening, when at 7:30 pm in Germany the bells ring and we light a candle, put it in the window, think of the people worldwide who are suffering from this crisis and fear for their existence. We send the prayer out into the world. Today to our english speaking partners asking them to join this action: We may be separated spatially, but we are spiritually united.

Other languages are available under the following link: TOGETHER

TOGETHER – a prayer around the world – today GERMAN

We pray it in the evening, when at 7:30 pm in Germany the bells ring and we light a candle, put it in the window, think of the people worldwide who are suffering from this crisis and fear for their existence. We send the prayer out into the world. Today to our english speaking partners asking them to join this action: We may be separated spatially, but we are spiritually united.

Other languages are available under the following link: TOGETHER

#Hanau – Rassismus tötet | Racism kills

Die Kolleginnen und Kollegen im Zentrum Oekumene sind tief getroffen und wir bringen den Angehörigen, Freundinnen und Freunden, Kolleginnen und Kollegen der in dieser rassistisch motivierten Tat in Hanau Ermordeten unsere Anteilnahme zum Ausdruck.

The colleagues in the Ecumenical Centre are deeply affected and we express our sympathy to the relatives, friends and colleagues of those murdered in this racially motivated act in Hanau.
„#Hanau – Rassismus tötet | Racism kills“ weiterlesen

Frohe Weihnachten – Merry Christmas

„Josef tat, wie ihm der Engel des Herrn befohlen hatte …“ (Matthäus 1,24)
„Joseph did as the angel of the Lord commanded him …” (Matthew 1:24)

Die Geburt Jesu wird in den Evangelien unter anderem als die Zuwendung des Schöpfers zu dieser Welt beschrieben. In ihm sind wir gemacht worden. Das Geschehen an Weihnachten ist damit die biblische Bekräftigung von Gottes Liebe für die Welt; für die GANZE Welt.

The birth of Jesus is described in the gospels among other things as the Creator’s devotion to this world. In him we were made. The event of Christmas is thus the biblical affirmation of God’s love for the world; for the WHOLE world. 

Gesegnete Weihnachten und einen guten Start ins neue Jahr!
Blessed Christmas and a good start into the new year!

Ihr / Euer / Yours Detlev Knoche