After 120 km we have reached our goal this year on the Way of St. James to Le Puy.We had great weather, beautiful forest and meadow paths, some long stretches on asphalt roads, hours of silence, intense personal conversations, stimulating discussions about the political world situation and Russia’s war against Ukraine, controversial debates about the future of our church, daily communion service with inspiring sermons by Michael Karg, good food and delicious wines and enthusiastically followed the two semi-finals of the Women’s European Football Championship in a small park in the livestream on the iPad.
On the way back, we visited the pilgrimage church Notre Dame du Haut in Ronchamp and celebrated our final communion service. Symbolically, we laid down with stones what we were leaving behind and what we were taking with us from the days. We made an appointment for next year and look forward to continuing the pilgrimage.
Built from 1950 to 1955 according to plans by the French-Swiss architect Le Corbusier, the church building is one of the most famous of its kind in the modern era. It is considered an icon of architecture due to its numerous visual metaphors, the richness of its spatial organization, as well as its exemplary character. It has also been officially listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since July 17, 2016.