In these days of Christmas, we are reminded that God becomes human.
That is the essence of Christmas. It is magnificent and unimaginable at the same time. God created the world and up to now sustains it. The Bible begins with this belief. This means that God is much greater than this world. There is always a great distance between God and the people who are part of God’s creation. But God overcame this gap – this is the central point of the Christmas story: God became human. In this child in the stable of Bethlehem, we encounter God. This is so important right now and at the same time so hard to believe in the face of human cruelty. Why can people be so cruel? Many people are asking this question in the face of the terrible wars in the Near East and Holy Land, in the Ukraine and Sudan and many other places in this world and here in Germany in view of the cruel attack in Magdeburg.
I agree to words from the present Christmas Message of the General Secretary of the World Council of Churches Rev. Prof. Dr. Jerry Pillay:
“So as we celebrate his birth this year, let us continue to pray, hope, and work for just peace and righteousness in our world, no matter how hopeless it may sometimes seem, knowing full well that the Prince of Peace is with us. May this knowledge give you hope, joy, and strength in your daily struggles and suffering and bring joy to the world! Uplifted and enlivened by our celebrations of the birth of the saviour, may we ever walk his path of peace and realize its promise for our time and in our world!”
And I would like to close with a prayer from our sisters and brothers in the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren:
“May we be encouraged by the courage of God to enter the world in the form of a defenseless child. May we be encouraged by the courage of Mary to accept the mission of a vulnerable servant. May we be encouraged by the courage of Joseph to believe the angels voice and make room for God’s spirit.”
Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year 2025
Detlev Knoche