Now it’s released: “Theology of Relationships” by Andreas D’Souza the former Director of the Henry Martyn Institute.
It was in the year 2006 when for the first time …
… a group of pastors from the Protestant Church in Hesse and Nassau (EKHN) came to the Henry Martyn Institute (HMI) in Hyderabad for a two weeks seminar on interreligious dialogue. EKHN is one of the Protestant mainline churches in Germany. We are a member of the Protestant Church in Germany (EKD) of several European Ecumenical Church Bodies and a member of the World Council of Churches (WCC). For several years EKHN is now a strong supporter of the Henry Martyn Institute.
When we came with the pastors group in 2006 Dr. Andreas D’Souza was the director of the Institute and he spoke to us about his concept of a “Theology of Relationships”. He taught us not only to respect the other’s diversity but also even to sustain and nurture the diversity! It was not only the teachings at Henry Martyn Institute which impressed and influenced us but also the practical work for reconciliation they are doing with the projects in the Old City of Hyderabad. Till today groups of pastors from EKHN are coming regularly to HMI. Although Dr. D’Souza is retired and living today in Toronto everyone who is coming to HMI can breathe the spirit of his “Theology of Relationships” in this place until today.
So it is a great pleasure for EKHN to support the publication of this book and to make the concept of a “Theology of Relationships” available for a wider audience. Thanks to ISPCK for publishing it!
The book could be ordered online:
Also available on
A few copies are available in the Ecumenical Center Frankfurt, Praunheimer Landstraße 206, 60488 Frankfurt (