The Minister-President of the Rhineland-Palatinate, Ms. Malu Dreyer, suggests that, on November 30th this year, people should gather to express their solidarity with those suffering in Syria. The Evangelical Churches in Hesse and Nassau, the Palatinate and the Rhineland are taking up this idea and propose that prayers for peace should be offered.
For this purpose, we are suggesting the following brief liturgical order without a sermon. It could be used in the parish hall, in the open air or in a church. Individual elements could be incorporated into Sunday services as well. It is certainly also possible to use only the Psalm collage or to include less music. Various different musical styles can be incorporated into this order. The proposed draft suggests the use of Advent hymns, because the date of November 30th falls between the first and second Sundays of Advent.
Download the Liturgical Order (English Version): 16-11-16-friedensgebetsyrien-engl
Download the Letter of Church President Dr. Dr. h. c. Jung (English Version): 16-11-16-friedensgebetsyrien-briefgemeinden-engl