Remembering PIKPA

Together with our partners from LESVOS Solidarity we visited the place of the former Camp PIKPA which was an independent, open refugee camp in Mytilini. It was a community-based space, built on the principles of solidarity, empowerment and active participation. It was closed by the local government in October 2020. The residents of the camp were moved by police forces to the municipal camp of Kara Tepe. „Remembering PIKPA“ weiterlesen

Peaceful Christmas and a Blessed New Year 2023

Dear Friends, Sisters and Brothers in our worldwide fellowship,

This year, after 11 months of Russia’s war in Ukraine and in view of the many victims in the world’s violent conflicts, the longing for peace is especially connected with Christmas. Wars, violence, oppression and poverty are driving people around the world to flee their homes. They often have the same experience as the Holy Family on the night of Jesus‘ birth:

There was no place for them in the guest room! „Peaceful Christmas and a Blessed New Year 2023“ weiterlesen

Ein Aufruf zu gemeinsamen Handeln – A Call to Act Together

Wir haben zusammen gesungen, gebetet, in verschiedenen liturgischen und spirituellen Traditionen gefeiert. Wir haben Freunde getroffen und neue Kontakte geknüpft. Wir haben diskutiert und auch gestritten. Bereichert und angeregt von der bunten Vielfalt unseres christlichen Glaubens und den herausfordernden Worten der 11. Vollversammlung des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen sind die Delegierten, Berater und Gäste nun wieder auf den Weg nach Hause. „Ein Aufruf zu gemeinsamen Handeln – A Call to Act Together“ weiterlesen